Dr. Martijn Sanders on the field of psi shielding.
Military-Psi-4 Top security level.
This document is only accessible to level 20 security clearances.

As our normal reports suggested we have stopped with the development of a psi shield. But not for the reasons given in the official document.

Initial test with the improved shield that would be able to counteract psychic attacks where very promising. Psi's, even the very powerful ones weren't able to break through the shield as it would increase it's power more and more if the psi would continue to try to break through. Persistent psi's that helped us in the testing of the shield where sometimes severely hurt as they tried to break through.

As the military got hold of our project they quickly branded it classified information. They had come into contact with two new races, the Vaipen and the Ovaska , that consisted entirely out of strong psychics. As the military heard about our shield they thought it would offer a decent protection against the powers of the Ovaska and the Vaipen. Our shield was installed in the 4th meeting between an ovaska ambassador and several high earth officials.

At earlier meetings psi's where always able to detect the awesome power of the Ovaskan Psychic but they where unable to block him. At these meetings the ambassador would be entirely at ease, confident of his own powers, knowing exactly what every human thought. As we installed the psi shield under the conference table during the fourth meeting this changed. The ambassador tried to come into contact with the minds of the humans on the other side of the conference table but failed. The reports show that the ambassador slowly put more and more effort into breaking through the shield, carefully so he wouldn't harm the human officials. But he failed to do so without taking the risks of hurting somebody. The reports also conclude the estimation done by our shields sensors that the Ovaska ambassador's psychic abilities outclassed our best psi's an incredible 21.4 times.

As the ambassador finally gave up and ended the meeting the psi's that accompanied him sensed a troubled emotion emanating from the Ovaskan. The ambassador left to report to his superiors and several day's later questions about the meeting where asked by a high official of the Ovaska Territories. The military denied everything and no further test where taken with the type-I psi shield.

Eager to continue testing we send out an unmarked military ship into the borders of the Vaipen empire. This time the ship was loaded with the type-II psi shield, capable of giving a feedback to attacking psi's, thus immobilizing their powers or even harming them. The test crew consisted of several military personal and some of my assistants to monitor the shields status.

As they approached the borders of the Vaipen empire they where greaten coldly by one of the numerous Vaipen border controls. The vaipen ship urged them to leave the area and several psi probes where directed at our vessel. As the vaipen noticed that they couldn't penetrate our shield they changed their attitude and tried more brute force. Almost immediately our shield responded and the Vaipen patrol vessel was bombarded with high energy 'noise bursts'. As our sensors indicated the Vaipen psychic abilities are equal to that of the Ovaska, but their hive mind structure combines all this power. As our shield powered down again the vaipen scout vessel was completely cut of from their hive mind. We had blocked their psychic abilities and rendered them 'harmless'. As the vaipen seem to communicate in a telepathic way we had cut of their communications as well. After a short time though a Vaipen Hive ship exited hyperspace right in front of the Vaipen patrol ship. It scanned both us and the patrol vessel with psi probes and as our shield kicked in again they responded by using more force. According to our sensor reports they developed more and more power to break through our shield. As our shield tried to feed the power back to the Vaipen hive ship, thus rendering them harmless, it blew up. The strain had been too much. This information was part of the last report they send us, just before the Vaipen hive mind completely swept them over.

No trace was found from the ship and it's occupants.

The vaipen empire send the earth council a warning though. "Terran forces should abandon all research in the field of psi shielding because it is not yet your time" The council agreed, but the military secretly continued research with the type-II psi shield. Currently the shield is (theoretically) able to block an attack by the Vaipen Hive mind, but this comes at a cost. The shield draws so much power that it can't be used continually, and the threat of the vaipen psi powers should be neutralised within 30 minutes, or they will break through. As the power demands are so great the only ships that can carry it are large vessels of either the military classes Dreadnought and SuperDreadnought, or explorer type vessels.

Currently the new explorer vessel 'Archon' that is built for the military as a mobile command centre is being outfitted with one of our advanced type-II shields.

End of Report

See Also: Vaipen PSI abilities
Ovaskan PSI abilities
Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents © Eddie Collins , Chris Page & George Hornmoen